Neural Quadratic Discriminant Analysis: Nonlinear decoding with V1-like computation
Pagan M, Simoncelli EP, Rust NC (2016). Neural Computation.
Population representations: Implicit, explicit, and invariant
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Quantifying the signals contained in heterogeneous neural responses and determining their relationships with task performance
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Dynamic target match signals in perirhinal cortex can be explained by instantaneous computations that act on dynamic input from inferotemporal cortex
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Signals in inferotemporal and perirhinal cortex suggest an “untangling” of visual target information
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Balanced increases in selectivity and tolerance produce constant sparseness along the ventral visual stream
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How does the brain solve visual object recognition?
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Dissociation of neuronal and psychophysical responses to local and global motion
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Selectivity and tolerance (“invariance”) both increase as visual information propagates from V4 to IT
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Ambiguity and invariance: Two fundamental challenges for visual processing
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How MT cells analyze the motion of visual patterns
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Spike-triggered neural characterization
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Do we know what the early visual system does?
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Spatiotemporal elements of macaque V1 receptive fields
Rust NC, Schwartz O, Movshon JA, Simoncelli EP (2005). Neuron.
Analyzing neural responses to natural signals: Maximally informative dimensions
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A reciprocal relationship between reliability and responsiveness in developing cortical neurons
Rust NC, Schultz SR, Movshon JA (2002). Journal of Neuroscience.