What do you mean when you say "one versus two factors"? And how does it map onto "computation"?
Rust NC, Corlett P (2025). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Forum.
What, if anything, makes mood fundamentally different from memory?
Rust NC (2024). The Transmitter.
Unraveling the entangled brain: How do we go about it?
Druckmann S, Rust NC (2023). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
The tricky business of defining brain functions
Rust NC, LeDoux JE (2023). Trends In Neurosciences.
A call for more clarity around causality in neuroscience
Barack DL, Miller EK, Moore CI, Packer AM, Pessoa L, Ross LN, Rust NC (2022). Trends in Neurosciences.
Identifying objects and remembering images: Insights from deep neural networks
Rust NC, Jannuzi BGL (2022). Current Directions in Psychological Science.
Priority coding in the visual system
Rust NC, Cohen MR (2022). Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
Remembering the past to see the future
Rust NC, Palmer SE (2021). Annual Review of Vision Science.
Pinpointing the neural signatures of single-exposure visual recognition memory
Mehrpour V, Meyer T, Simoncelli EP, Rust NC (2021). PNAS.
The Citation Diversity Statement: A practice of transparency, a way of life
Zurn P, Bassett DS, Rust NC (2020). Trends In Cognitive Sciences.
Understanding image memorability
Rust NC, Mehrpour V (2020). Trends In Cognitive Sciences.
The integration of visual and target signals in V4 and IT during visual object search
Roth N, Rust NC (2019). Journal of Neurophysiology.
Visual novelty, curiosity, and intrinsic reward in machine learning and the brain
Jaegle A, Mehrpour V, Rust NC (2019). Current Opinion in Neurobiology.
Population response magnitude variation in inferotemporal cortex predicts image memorability
Jaegle A, Mehrpour V, Mohsenzadeh Y, Meyer T, Oliva A, Rust NC (2019). eLife.
Rethinking assumptions about how trial and nuisance variability impact neural task performance in a fast-processing regime
Roth N, Rust NC (2019). Journal of Neurophysiology.
Single-exposure visual memory judgments are reflected in IT cortex
Meyer T, Rust NC (2018). eLife.